Partnering with Upside

Deliver personalized, high-value, retailer-funded offers directly to your customers. Upside powers rewards and builds loyalty for partners from a wide range of industries.

Earn on what you need
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Why become an affiliate?

Credit Card

Earn commission on every new user

You’ll earn $10 every time one of your referred users completes their first purchase.


Easy user experience

Opt to provide your users with additional value by offering an exclusive bonus on top of the evergreen offers already in the Upside app.

New customers and transactions

Get credit for sign-ups within 45-days

Users with your affiliate link can take their time to make their first purchase — our long, 45-day window makes sure you will still get the commission.

New customers and transactions

Exclusive rates and user offers available

Have a large audience? We can talk about boosting your commission, and the user promos associated with your affiliate link.

Measurable results unlike any other platform

Upside is the only platform that delivers attributable, incremental, and profitable results. Unlike rewards programs or card-linked offers, Upside's promotions are dynamic and personalized, providing exact insight into the value generated for users, retailers, and partners on every transaction. This proven approach maintains satisfaction across our extensive retailer network, affirming Upside's position as the preferred choice for measurable success.

Rewards apps & card-linked offers
Digital marketing

Proves that purchase was made after engaging with the platform


Proves that the purchase only happened because of the platform


Proves that each purchase is ROI-positive, even with promotion and associated costs

What users say about us

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It takes my bank card, any credit card and my company fuel card which really allows me to cash in!


Great way to earn change to put towards rewards! I'm an Instacart shopper so I'm always filling up my tank & now I can also fuel myself with the Starbucks gift card I earned!


I do Instacart and anything to make my gas cheaper is cool with me!! Easy to use!!!


Get in touch!

Get in touch and our team of industry experts will reach out to learn more about your unique business needs.

Interested in becoming an affiliate? Sign up here.